Friday, February 24, 2012

This drug is sold under the name

First-line therapy for the treatment of osteoporosis is the class

drugs known as bisphosphonates.immune system information Bisphosphonates inhibit the action of osteoclasts,

cells that destroy bone. Bisphosphonates, which are approved for treatment

osteoporosis and low bone density Alendronate (fosamaks)

ryzedronat (Actonel), ibandronat (Boniva) and zoledronovoyi acid (Reclast). Alendronate and ryzedronat is oral medications. Ibandronat available

orally or by injection while zoledronovoyi acid injection only medicines. The best known side effect of oral bisphosphonates that they can

problem for the esophagus and stomach. In fact, patients

warned not to relax for thirty minutes after taking oral bisphosphonates

so that the drug did not return to the esophagus. used to prevent and treat osteoporosis in women, whether

Diseases resulting from menopause or. Alendronate and

been approved for the treatment of osteoporosis in men, but others can be used

label. SERMs or medications that can either stimulate or block

action of estrogen, depending on the location >> << estrogen receptor in the body. In bone, SERMs act as estrogen, by increasing the density

bone. FDA approved selective estrogen receptor modulator,

raloksifen (Evista), for the treatment of osteoporosis. The product

been shown to increase bone density and decrease morbidity >> << fractures of the spine. Because it can affect the estrogen receptors, this class of drugs >> << not used in premenopausal women. Scientists suspect, SERMs increase

risk of blood clots, although the evidence is not clear. In addition to hormone

may be given as a medicine. Presciption calcitonin is available as injections

or nasal spray. This is not the first line treatment of osteoporosis

, because only been shown to reduce the risk of fractures in the spine >> << but not in other bones. In addition, calcitonin is on average five years

show a positive clinical effect. Side effects of calcitonin include nausea, vomiting,

, and dry mouth. It can also cause a decrease in blood calcium. Parathyroid hormone another natural hormone >> << involved in how bone is formed and maintained. (Forteo) is an osteoporosis treatment that lasix 500 mg is associated with parathyroid hormone. This product is available in once daily injection. Teriparatide (Forteo)

designed for postmenopausal women and men for the treatment of osteoporosis. This can increase bone density mass and reduce the risk of fractures but >> << it should be used on average 18 months to achieve optimal results. In a sense, teriparatide works in the manner opposite to bisphosphonates;

increases bone whereas bisphosphonates reduce bone resorption

in the blood. Scientists came up with the idea that using them together will work

better than one alone. However, several studies have shown that the regime

in the teriparatide plus alendonate not better than teriparatide

alone. Teriparatide is very expensive and require cooling, making it more difficult to deal with than bisphophonates. Teriparatide is now recognized as the primary treatment of glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis. New osteoporosis drug denosumab, monoclonal antibodies

bound to receptor RANKL. This drug is sold under the name

Prolia and Xgeva. These antibodies bind to the receptor in cells that develop into osteoclasts

, and prevents development. With fewer osteoclasts,

natural bone desorption slowed. Denosumab. In 2011, the FDA expanded the list of indications for denosumab, which can be used for bone loss associated with breast cancer and prostate cancer treatment. People at risk may prevent the development of low bone density

through vitamin D and calcium. Vitamin D is a hormone >> << in the digestive system, helps calcium in the diet to be absorbed

blood, and eventually to the bone. Calcium and vitamin D

, that people should get daily, depending on their age and risk factors

osteoporosis. Consensus guidelines for women who have not reached menopause >> << men younger than 50 years, and those without osteoporosis risk factors

to receive a total of 1000 mg (1 gram) of calcium and between 400

and 800 IU (international units) of vitamin D daily. In men older than

50 postmenopausal women, or anyone with risk factors for osteoporosis, >> << recommended daily norm of calcium is 1500 mg and 1000 IU. Sources of material on this page.

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